A New Grinding machine
born from the power of chemistry

Electro Mechanical Grinding System

EMG-52KElectrolytic Composite Grinding Machine

Product line-up

EMG-52K(standard specification)

Example of Processing

What is an electrolytic grinding machine?

The electrolytic grinding machine, which uses a specially designed grinding wheel (ecum wheel), is a compound grinder that achieves efficient grinding by adding a small amount of electrical energy to the conventional mechanical grinding function.

Strengths of an Electrolytic Grinding Machine

Advanced processing technology

It is possible for machining such as burr-free slit grinding and groove grinding.

High quality whetstone

Ecum wheel has good heat conduction and can prevent burns, cracks, and warping due to grinding heat.

Secondary burrs do not occur.

There is no secondary burr because the electrolytic processing is performed while grinding.

Significant reduction in machining time

Machining time can be shortened by performing automatic incision continuous machining of mechanical grinding at the same time as electrolytic grinding.

High grinding capacity

By performing mechanical grinding and electrolytic grinding at the same time with a single ecum wheel, it is possible to improve grinding performance.

High machining accuracy

Shape processing is possible by dressing an ecum wheel.

Achieving manufacturing cost reduction

The unique self-cleaning action prevents clogging of the grindstone and reduces the number of times of dressing and wear of the grindstone.

No grinding wheel selection is required.

A single ecum wheel can perform all of the roughing, intermediate, and finishing processes.
This eliminates the need to replace the grinding wheel depending on the processing purpose.

Grinding method

In addition to mechanical grinding + electrolytic grinding, it is possible to switch to mechanical grinding with a simple operation.


Device details

Specification Model
Body size (width x length x height) 2050×1390×2370 2170×1750×2490
body weight 1800 2500
power supply 25V100A
Power requirements (not including accessories) 9.4 12.0
Table work area (length X width) 550×200 600×300
Maximum amount of movement of the table (left and right X front and back) 680×240 720×340
Distance from the upper limit of the table to the lower surface of the grindstone 0~342.5(at,φ255) 48~387.5(at,φ305)
Grindstone mounting maximum dimensions (diameter x width x inner diameter) 255×25×76.2 305×38×127
Magnetic chuck dimensions (length X width X height) 500×200×70 600×300×80
Motor (spindle) 2.2/3.7
Saddle (back and forth automatic feed: step feed amount) 0.1~50
Saddle (back and forth automatic feed: continuous feed speed) 1~1000
Saddle (Fore-and-aft rapid traverse speed) 50~1000(20steps)

To customers considering introduction

Information necessary for us to consider

・Work piece drawing
・Work material (iron, stainless steel, aluminum)
・Details of processing (accuracy, presence or absence of burrs, presence or absence of discoloration)

Items required for actual processing

・An ecum wheel
・Machining fluid (JEMS series)


※Please check before contacting us.

About inquiries/meetings

Please prepare what you need to consider and contact us from "Contact Us".
Based on the information of the work to be processed, we design equipment and jigs, and propose even incidental equipment such as filtration equipment.
If you are in a hurry, please contact us by phone at the number below.
TEL:0465-82-0275(Direct Calling)

Yes. It is possible.Please contact us from "Contact Us".

Yes. It is possible.Please contact us from "Contact Us".

About the electrolytic grinding machine

It is a device that performs mechanical grinding and electrolytic processing at the same time using a grinding wheel (ecum wheel) that can pass electricity.
Since burrs are melted by electrolytic processing, there is no need for a deburring process during finishing.

Yes, there are.However, there is no problem in terms of accuracy.

Yes, cutting is possible by replacing the whetstone with a whetstone for cutting.

yes. there are.After electrolytic processing, exhaust gas (hydrogen, nitrogen, ammonia) and sludge (iron oxide, aluminum oxide, etc.) are generated.
In addition, metal ions are dissolved in the processing liquid and cleaning liquid, and it is necessary to ask an industrial waste disposal company to dispose of them.

Yes. It is possible. When processing materials that contain a large amount of chromium,such as stainless steel, Hexavalent chromium is generated.
Therefore, we recommend using a reduction device.

It's the machine of KURODA Precision Industries Ltd’s.


For inquiries, please contact us from the inquiry page or by telephone (TEL: 0465-82-0275 (direct)).